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Mobiflight full installation

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MiniFCU 003.jpg
Object Guide
Subject Mobiflight installation
Created on 16/01/2024
By vinKaiZen / Pacha35
Modified on 17/1/2024
By Pacha35
Summary Yes
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Mobiflight application (for the miniFCU)
Mobiflight 008.jpg

This open source project integrates standard hardware as mniFCU with your flight simulator.
This page shows how to installe this application and its environment to use the miniFCU.
The original guide for MobiFlight config file to support the miniFCU with the Fenix A320 & Displays (Inclusive full instructions with a new unit) has been written by vinKaiZen[1].


1) Ensure your miniFCU is fully regristered as USB-SERIAL CH340 in your windows device manager, otherwise check here:

  * if it won´t after driver installation or windows update you may use another or the original USB cable (power+data transport cable required!)

2) Close the miniFCU DLS (data link software), it´s not needed and causes issues if used together with Mobiflight
3) Download latest FenixQuartz[2] to get the display values with FENIX in Mobiflight

  * Important: Check Readme with installation process & usage
  * Then install or update latest FenixQuartz, during Installer select "Auto-Start with MSFS" & "Change Configuration to Raw-Value/L-Var Mode (IMPORTANT!)

4) Download & install latest MobiFlight version, (see below)

Mobiflight 002.jpg
  * Extras => Settings: UNTICK! "yes, i would like to receive beta version updates", then "OK"
  * Extras => Settings: UNTICK! "Automatically perform retrigger-action with "run" mode (otherwise all buttons will be pressed if you run MF)
  * If not already done, ensure you installed the Mobiflight WASM module => Extras => MSFS2020 => Install WASM module 
  * check in your MSFS community, you have got a "mobiflight-event-module" folder, otherwhise its installed on the false location and won´t work
Mobiflight 001.jpg
Attention : stop Mobiflight at the end of this phase and reload it.[3]

5) With a original or older miniFCU device, Mobiflight will now upgrade your firmware (do it) that it´s useable with Mobiflight

  * go though firmware updating messages, then in configured modules => right mouse click on "compatible" => "update firmware" => "minicockpit" => "miniCOCKPIT miniFCU"
Mobiflight 003.jpg

6) Then "Upload" the boards default config (below the miniFCU picture) and click "OK"

Mobiflight 005.jpg
* Important : clic on "Save" button after this phase and before to load the profile. Then, stop Mobiflight and reload it.
Mobiflight 012.jpg
* Note: you can restore the Firmware anytime same way: right mouse click on miniFCU (configured modules) => "Reset board" to get it usage with miniFCU DLS


Now all is prepared and the next steps must be done everytime you upgrade a config
7) Download & Extract my FENIX A320

Mobiflight 004.jpg

8) Open one of the 3 configs (.mcc) in Mobiflight (File -> Open -> select it)

Mobiflight 013.jpg

9) Important or you won´t get Display values later:

  => Orphaned Serials found window opens => in the white field select the line "miniCOCKPIT miniFCU/ SN-xxx-yyy" serial that its blue marked -> "Assign"
Mobiflight 014.jpg
  => then this serial will disappear and the config is adjusted to your serial => click "OK" 
  => Save (otherwise you have to do it every time)
Mobiflight 015.jpg

10) Optional but recommended, on Mobiflight bottom right mouse click on fenix aircraft => link current config & Auto load linked config

Mobiflight 009.jpg

11) Optional but recommended; on Mobiflight top, activate "AutoRun" (yellow pulp if activated)

Mobiflight 010.jpg

Now you are ready to use and enjoy


  • Don´t worry about the red "!" circles if config is running, these are programmed preconditions (logic) and normal
Mobiflight 011.jpg
  • For a second flight you need to restart the Fenix APP & Stop/Run Mobiflight config, otherwise Quartz won´t show right values
  • Vertical speed values will be correct shown only in the air or in cold & dark state (see Quartz limitations)
  • Display values will appear earliest if sitting in Fenix and MF config is on "RUN" & Quartz is running

Best to get it working is the following way (otherwhise it may not get synced)

1) start msfs and stay in the main menu
2) start fenix app
3) start mobiflight & quartz (if not already)
4) click MF and run the config (if not already)
5) start your flight & enjoy


Special thanks to Otyq (member of the MF dev Team) for coding the encoder timer
Cheers, vinKaiZen

MiniCockpit Community Discord: Mobiflight Discord: Youtube:

Don´t miss my generic config for Asobo Planes:

Notes et Références

  1. CF
  2. Fenix Quartz est le module de communication entre l'A320 de Fenix et Mobiflight. Son installation est décrite dans cette page
  3. CF this video